Source code for benchable_graph

from rdflib import Graph

__all__ = ['BenchableGraph']

[docs]class BenchableGraph(object): """ Provides a convenient way to use a graph for benchmarks. """ def __init__(self, store, graph_id, store_config, graph_create=False): """ :param str store: Type of store to use. :param str graph_id: The graph identifier. :param store_config: Configuration to open the store. :type store_config: str or tuple :param bool graph_create: True to create the graph upon connecting. """ self.graph = Graph(store=store, identifier=graph_id) self._graph_id = graph_id self._store_config = store_config self._graph_create = graph_create
[docs] def connect(self): """Connect to the store. .. note:: For some configurations, RDFlib will postpone the actual connection to the store until needed (when doing a graph.query() or graph.add()). This behaviour comes from RDFbib implementation of """ return, create=self._graph_create)
[docs] def close(self, commit_pending_transaction=True): """Close a connection to a store. :param bool commit_pending_transaction: True if to commit pending transaction before closing, False otherwise. .. note:: The graph.close() method is not implemented for SPARQL Store in RDFLib """ self.graph.close(commit_pending_transaction=commit_pending_transaction)